Video Description
Setting up filezilla software
Open Filezilla software. |
Go to Blacknight Account. |
Select the website space you want to add files to. |
Go to website configuration. |
Go to ftp configuration |
Copy the log in information and paste information into Filezilla log in section (top panel) |
Press Quick Connect button. |
Filezilla will open with all of the website files. |
Adding the files
In the Filezilla software, in the right hand panel, select the webspace (root folder/ webspace folder) | |
Locate the files on your computer and select all the files and folders that are to be copied. | |
Make note of the files you want to copy (index, js folder, imgs folder, css folder.) | |
With all of the files and folders selected drag and drop them into the webspace/ root folder, the right hand panel in Filezilla | |
Allow time for files to be transferred from one place to another. |
When the transfer is complete
When the transfer of files is complete go to the internet. | |
Google Chrome – Firefox – Safari etc. | |
Type your website name, you should now see any changes. |
Project Details
Name Owen Forsyth Skills WordPress